Midnight Sun 2006

Midnight Sun


Release Date

Hong Kong

Original Title

Hong Kong Title
Midnight Sun

Plot Synopsis

16-year old Kaoru Amane suffers from xeroderma pigmentosum (known as XP), a genetic disorder that impairs the body's ability to repair mutations caused by UV rays. As a result, Kaoru has had to live her life out of the sun. Every night, in front of a train station, Kaoru plays her guitar and sings, her only motivation to keep on living. One day, returning home just before sunrise, she looks out her window to see high school student Koji Fujishiro and his friends leaving for the beach. She continues to watch him every day. By chance, they happen to meet outside one morning. Their encounter quickly leads to love. But Kaoru's illness progresses, soon keeping her even from playing the guitar...

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